Legal High Rehab

When you are caught up in “legal high” addiction, the dangers are real, no matter what their misleading name may be. What feels like innocent fun at the beginning can soon become a potentially life-threatening situation. At Liberty House, we have seen how these substances can flip someone’s life upside down. But we have also helped many people get their lives back on track. Our legal high rehab programmes are here to show you that change is possible, no matter where you start.

legal highs

What is legal high rehab?

Legal high rehab is a caring, professionally executed treatment plan to help you quit drugs for good. Different clinics take varying approaches to legal high addiction treatment, but Liberty House adopts a three-pronged approach at our inpatient clinic:

  1. Legal high detox helps your body get rid of legal high so you can recover physically.
  2. Rehab therapy looks at the issues beneath the surface that have manifested as drug addiction.
  3. Aftercare helps you keep practising what you learned in rehab, so you’re ready for life outside of it.

Each stage is a big piece of the recovery puzzle, so we have options that work around your schedule. From a two-week stay to a more in-depth programme of up to three months, we have legal high rehab programmes that fit your needs and goals.

Legal high rehab programmes at Liberty House

We have successfully treated clients for a wide range of legal highs. Some of our most popular programmes include:

Meth button

Benzo-Fury rehab

Treating Benzo-Fury dependency requires drug detox for the tough withdrawal symptoms which often arise and a comprehensive suite of therapies to understand and resolve triggers.
Benzo-Fury rehab

Meth button

Spice rehab

Spice can be very unpredictable, but drug rehab at Liberty House will support you through withdrawal safely and then address your personal recovery needs.
Spice rehab

Meth button

Mephedrone rehab

Mephedrone drags you into a cycle of highs and crashes, but legal high rehab includes detox to handle your physical reliance and targeted therapy to dig into the emotional side of things.
Mephedrone rehab

consultation therapy for legal heigh rehab

Stage 1: Legal high detox

When you are physically dependent on legal highs, your brain can get so used to the drugs that stopping feels like pulling the rug out from under you. Withdrawal then kicks in with physical and emotional symptoms you might recognise if you’ve tried quitting before. Legal high withdrawal symptoms vary depending on the exact drug but may include:

  • Feeling super tired all the time
  • Waves of nausea and vomiting
  • Unbearable legal high cravings
  • Big mood swings
  • Feeling shaky or panicky for no reason
  • Shaking hands and legs 
  • Profuse sweating
  • Not being able to sleep
  • Chronic headaches

These symptoms can make quitting legal highs on your own scary, unsafe and often unsuccessful. At Liberty House, we take away the guesswork and stress by creating a plan that’s just for you. From the moment you walk through the door, we check how your body’s doing and figure out what kind of support will make this process easier.

You may require detox medication to keep legal high withdrawal symptoms in check, or it may be that nutritional support and some peace and quiet are all you need. Whatever it is, we will do everything we can to keep you safe and steady until withdrawal is over.

The legal high withdrawal timeline

There are so many varieties of legal highs that your withdrawal experience can be completely different from someone else’s. Some people may start feeling uncomfortable after just a few hours later, while for others, legal high withdrawal symptoms take a day or two to kick in.

Things usually get tougher around the middle of the week, often known as peak withdrawal. This is when the most healing takes place, but it is also when the majority of people going “cold turkey” tend to relapse.

Physical legal high withdrawal symptoms mostly settle down within the first couple of weeks, but you may feel emotionally out of sorts for a while longer. Having our professional team is crucial at this time to prevent ongoing symptoms from disrupting the next stages of treatment.

Stage 2: Legal high rehab therapy

At Liberty House, legal high rehab is your chance to lay it all out on the table – whatever’s been driving your legal high use, whether it’s stress, pain or something you can’t quite put into words yet. Our therapists and addiction counsellors will take it piece by piece, helping you make sense of it all and start figuring out what comes next.

Legal rehab is like unravelling a knot, and the more patience you have, the clearer things become. With every therapy session, you will start to loosen the grip of whatever is holding you back so you can move toward the life you are hoping for.

Legal high therapy at Liberty House Clinic

Addiction thrives when life is chaotic, so Liberty House focuses on a structured legal high rehab process. Every day in rehab has a purpose, with a variety of sessions to ensure that no two days feel the same.

  • Individual therapy involves regular sessions with your own personal therapist. It is your time to talk about anything that is bothering you or which has led to legal high abuse so you can put those behind you.
  • Group therapy provides a judgement-free zone where you can speak your mind and get supported by people who understand.
  • Family therapy gives you a chance to clear the air, say what needs saying and start fresh as a family. It helps everyone understand what’s happening and how they can work together to support you.
  • Holistic therapies like yoga, meditation or art are fantastic ways to express yourself without words and also let off a little steam.
  • Behavioural therapies teach you tricks for dealing with distressing emotions and breaking bad habits in a way that makes life easier.

We often find that the session you think won’t help might end up changing everything, so give everything your best shot.

Stage three: Preventing legal high relapse

Leaving rehab can feel like stepping into the unknown. It is okay to feel nervous about what’s next—this just means you care about doing things right. In this final stage of legal high rehab, the goal is to prepare you for the challenges waiting beyond our doors.

While you are still with us, we will sit down together and figure out a plan to prevent relapse. What if you run into someone you used to get high with? What if work stress hits like a ton of bricks? Your plan will be packed with ways to handle those moments, using everything you have learned here and leaning on the people you have waiting for you.

Every week for a whole year, you will then take part in group therapy – and it won’t cost a thing. It’s your space to chat about what’s going well, what isn’t and what might need tweaking in your plan. You will also become part of the UKAT Alumni Network, where you can share tips on online message boards, access exclusive resources and meet up with your recovery peers for regular events.

Begin legal high rehab today

Starting legal high rehab can be scary, but it is the best decision you will ever make. You don’t need to have it all figured out—Liberty House will walk you through every stage of legal high addiction treatment and the transition to your new life. Get in touch with us today, and let’s defeat legal highs together.

Frequently Asked Questions

What role does harm reduction play in the treatment of legal high addiction?
Harm reduction is all about helping you stay safe while you figure things out. Instead of expecting you to turn everything around at once, it’s about small, manageable steps. In legal high rehab, this means everything from learning what legal highs are doing to your body to safely detoxing. Liberty House’s first priority is your safety, and our team will do everything possible to look after you while you are in our care and beyond.
How do rehab programmes address the legal and social consequences of legal high use?
The legal and social consequences of high legal use can be very serious, and Liberty House will work through them all with you. For instance, our family support programme can help repair your relationships, while various forms of therapy can help you feel confident about your career or education. The potential legal ramifications of drug use are regularly discussed in rehab, but everything spoken is 100% confidential, so you don’t need to worry about opening up.
What are the challenges in educating patients about the risks of legal highs during rehab?
Educating clients about legal high risks presents various challenges, but the biggest is that they are often marketed as safe and legal. In rehab, we will educate you about the reality of both their legal status and inherent health risks. The goal isn’t to scare you but to help you make smarter choices.