Some people explain addiction as living with rose-tinted glasses.This means that we can have a somewhat distorted view of what is happening around us. Addiction is infamously …

While alcohol is generally seen as a harmless way to relax or celebrate, it is described by the World Health Organisation as a “toxic, psychoactive and dependence-producing …

Perhaps the toughest part of addiction is that we often know deep down that we need to stop. But the very nature of addiction makes stopping the difficult part. Clinicians ha …

As a person battles to overcome an addiction, one of the most significant challenges faced is the withdrawal process. Withdrawal from heroin comes with an extreme toll on the b …

Successful detox is the key to the door to a substance-free life. Most people understand the challenges of removing substances from the body, but detox can be as much a mental …

As of 2016, the UK was the second biggest consumer of codeine in the world. It’s the most prescribed opioid in the UK and is also available over-the-counter, combined with ibupro …

Crack cocaine use, purity, and production are all increasing, according to government reports. After a downward trend in crack consumption, the percentage of crack cocaine users …

Binge drinking is a significant public health concern, with nearly one in six adults engaging in the behaviour regularly, and 25% of them binge drinking at least weekly. Unlike c …

Cocaine and alcohol both come with the potential for catastrophic health and social consequences, but their impacts vary depending on things like usage patterns, individual healt …

What is chemsex?
Chemsex is a term to describe sexual activity, predominantly but not exclusively between men, while under the influence of recreational drugs.

People take pa …

If you’re prone to the temptations of cocaine, staying sober while managing these lures is no easy task. Even after initial recovery, the addictive nature of cocaine means that …

There are good habits and bad habits. Sipping coffee every morning, for example, is not necessarily a harmful routine behaviour. On the other hand, things like scrolling social m …