As of 2016, the UK was the second biggest consumer of codeine in the world. It’s the most prescribed opioid in the UK and is also available over-the-counter, combined with ibupro …

When we encounter an alcoholic character on TV or in film, it’s often the ‘humorous drunk’ making bad yet hilarious decisions. So, why do filmmakers choose this portrayal? Isn’ …

Cornwall’s Andy Kent of Perranporth is a fifty-year-old RAF veteran who recently spoke out about his battle with depression, drug addiction, and alcoholism. He has been sober now …

Lynne has been sober for ten years and has managed her alcoholism successfully, but now she finds herself dealing with an eating disorder. She is binge-eating and has noticed sever …

For an addict, the thought of partaking in drug detox and follow-up treatment can be frightening and nerve-wracking; however, this is totally normal. Some affected individuals may …

Those who suffer from a gambling addiction are often in denial about having a problem. One harmless bet can eventually turn into a vicious obsession that can utterly consume the in …

Addictions to illegal drugs such as heroin and cocaine are common in many towns and cities across the UK. Even though drug use has been declining in recent years, many individuals …

In many cases, a drug addiction not only ruins the life of the addict but it can also have an effect on the lives of their loved ones. It is often the case that close friends and f …

Countless individuals simply cannot comprehend the fact that other people could be suffering from a food addiction. Many believe that this illness cannot be classed as a ‘real’ …

Once affected by a heroin addiction, it can be very difficult to break the cycle of drug abuse. The intense cravings for the drug make it almost impossible to quit, but even those …

Drug abuse and addiction are common causes of violent behaviour within communities, and it places an enormous strain on emergency services. While some people can use drugs recreati …

There are many types of addiction, and most people are familiar with substance addictions such as alcoholism or drug addiction. However, the term addiction can be applied to any pa …