There are many people in society who see alcoholism as a moral failing or a consequence of bad behaviour when it is, in fact, an illness of the brain. Some refer to addictions such …

Substance abuse can lead to a host of problems for individuals and their families. Whether it is alcohol or drugs that are being abused, the consequences can include poor health, u …

One of the hardest addictions to treat is a cocaine addiction because of the cravings that the user experiences when the effects of the drug wear off. With such intense short highs …

With drug abuse as common as it is, many treatment centres are seeing a significant rise in the number of individuals seeking addiction treatment to overcome their addiction. Some …

Alcohol is a substance that is regularly abused by millions of people around the world; in many cases, the individual will go on to develop an alcohol addiction. This can have a de …

Sadly, many people around the world will suffer from an eating disorder at some point in their life; this can result in negative consequences for the affected person’s life going …

When asked to think of a drug addiction, most people automatically think of illegal substances such as cocaine, heroin or marijuana. However, what many often fail to realise is tha …

The death of music legend Prince thrust the topic of prescription drug addiction into the spotlight. Many people, prior to this, had been unaware that such an illness even existed …

Until now, scientists have never been able to identify an exact cause for alcohol addiction. It has always been believed that various factors contribute to the development of this …

When it comes to illnesses such as cocaine addiction, there is no current cure. As with all addictions, a cocaine addiction is an illness of the brain that can be treated and manag …