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February 17th, 2025
Physical Health Therapy
Addiction doesn’t just take a toll on your mind, it can give your body a real beating too. From a weakened immune system and high blood pressure to constant fatigue, weight changes and nagging aches, the physical effects of substance abuse can leave you feeling like a shadow of yourself. But physical health therapy can help you bounce back. Designed to rebuild what addiction has worn down, Liberty House’s physical health therapy can help you regain strength, restore your energy and tackle those lingering pains. Here’s what you need to know:
What is physical health therapy?
Think of physical health therapy as a way to press reset on your body. It is about undoing the physical toll addiction has taken and helping you feel strong, mobile and pain-free again. Using a mix of stretching, hands-on techniques and therapies like heat or cold treatments, physical health therapy helps ease discomfort, improve your movement and rebuild your strength step by step.
At Liberty House, we go beyond the basics. We will guide you through nutrition plans, exercise routines and self-care strategies tailored to your recovery journey. The goal is to fix what is broken in the short-term and then give you the tools to keep your body in good shape long after you leave rehab. Paired with our wider rehab therapies, physical health therapy is a vital piece of the holistic recovery puzzle.
The benefits of physical health therapy
Physical health therapy can make a massive difference in how you feel, both inside and out. Here is how physical health therapy can help:
The importance of physical health therapy at rehab
Addiction takes a lot out of you, leaving you tired, tense and out of balance. Rehab treatment too can be physically draining but extensive research shows that proper nutrition, exercise and regular movement can make a huge difference in helping your body heal. Here are some of the benefits of physical health therapy in rehab:
Smoother, safer withdrawal
Withdrawal can be one of the hardest stages of rehab. Alcohol and drugs can cause a long list of withdrawal symptoms like muscle aches, tiredness, insomnia and nausea. Physical health therapy helps to lighten the load with gentle stretches, yoga and tailored exercises easing discomfort, improving blood flow and bringing relief during the most taxing moments of withdrawal.
Improved mental resilience
Rehab can also be a major mental undertaking with doubt, anxiety and guilt all creeping in during different stages of recovery. But physical health therapy can help improve your mental health resilience to help you meet those challenges.
As well as yoga and exercise, something as simple as our daily walks can give you the chance to reflect, clear your mind and stay focused on your rehab goals. Plus, regular exercise gets those endorphins flowing, giving you a natural mood boost to reduce stress and anxiety while keeping cravings in check.
A sense of spiritual calm
Addiction can leave your mind feeling scattered and your emotions all over the place. Mindfulness and meditation are key parts of Liberty House’s physical health therapy programme that will help you find a sense of calm even during the ups and downs of rehab. Guided sessions teach you how to stay present, focus on your breathing and let go of the mental clutter that can obstruct recovery.
Meditation can also have many physical benefits. It can lower stress, ease tension and even improve your sleep, making each day in rehab feel a little more manageable. Over time, this can have big knock-on effects in every part of your life, with daily meditation becoming a powerful tool in relapse prevention and lifelong sobriety.
Fuel for success
Nutrition can play a huge role in rehab as well. Substance use and poor eating habits often go hand in hand, leaving your body low on the essential nutrients it needs to function at its best. Our nutritionists and private chefs will create meals that give you the energy you need for rehab and replace any deficiencies caused by substance abuse.
From movement to nourishment, physical health therapy will give your body the care it deserves so you can start feeling like yourself again – stronger, calmer and ready for whatever rehab (and life!) throws your way.
The importance of good health after addiction rehab
Life after rehab can feel like a balancing act but keeping your body moving can help you stay steady. And the best thing is you don’t need a gym membership or a lot of expensive workout equipment. Whether it’s following on with a YouTube yoga routine, stretching each morning or just taking regular walks outside, moving your body is a powerful way to reduce stress, manage triggers and keep those cravings at bay.
Many of the physical health therapy activities from Liberty House can continue to benefit you long after you leave us. Before you finish rehab, we will work with you to integrate some of those activities into your relapse prevention plan. This will help you switch unhealthy habits for healthier routines as you build a new life without drugs or alcohol.
Begin recovery in the best shape possible
Want to add some extra fuel to your recovery? Physical health therapy is like a secret weapon for your recovery – giving you the energy, strength and focus you need to tackle each day in rehab and beyond. Whether it’s getting your body moving, calming your mind or building healthy habits, we are here to cheer you on every step of the way. Reach out to Liberty House today, and let’s work on a stronger, healthier you.